Adult & Community Education Program
Our program offers a wide range of classes and programs in the basic education and ESOL, high school completion,
HiSET® High School Equivalency Test, college transitions (college preparation), workforce training, and enrichment areas.
Browse our site or contact us for more details for classes you are interested in taking.
This course will cover the basics needed to get started in beekeeping. This includes: costs, bee biology, acquiring bees, equipment needs & assembly, using the various tools required, seasonal management, pest & diseases and honey harvest.
What is chaos and why does it impact our lives? The answers vary and yet our energetic and emotional reactions are similar. This presentation will address the challenges as we negotiate the different perspectives of chaos.
This class for Woodlot owners includes Tree identification, deeds and boundaries, timber harvesting, wildlife management, forestry taxes and regulations, and working with a consulting forester. The instructor is MerleRing, retired Maine Forest Service District Forester with 42 years of experience.
Identity theft has become increasingly common and sophisticated. This informative workshop will empower participants with the skills and resources to take preventive and restorative action in managing their financial lives.By the end of this workshop you will be able to recognize common fraud schemes, where fraud trends are headed, and know how to protect yourself against […]